Traduction anglais

With this pious lie comes a very characteristic...

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Il accompagna ce pieux mensonge d’une moue fort caractéristique signifiant que, par superstition, il n’avait pas osé choisir un nom à l’avance, car c’était présumer que ce serait un garçon et qu’il naîtrait vivant, comme si l’on prenait pour acquis ce qui n’avait pas encore été, présomption


Présomption que le ciel n’apprécie guère. - Et bien moi, dit le cheikh, il y a un nom qui a toujours ma préférence, c ‘est abbas.


With this pious lie comes a very characteristic face meaning that, by superstition, he had not dared choose a name in advance, because this was to assume that it would be a boy and this boy would be born alive, as if it was taken for granted what had not yet been, which was a presumption that Lord would have hardly appreciate. -Well, says the sheik, I have always had a preference for a name : it's Abbas.

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