Traduction anglais

Helped by Arak, everyone seemed to be in good...

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Texte à traduire

L’arak aidant, tout le monde semblait de bonne humeur. Personne n’était ivre, mais la gaieté avait allégé les gestes et les paroles. Dans sa chambre, non loin de là,lamia gémissait en poussant l’enfant hors d’elle à l’instigation de la sage femme. Sa sœur lui tenait la main.


Une petite fille arriva en courant vers les convives, prête à leur annoncer la nouvelle qu’ils attendaient ;leurs regards durent l’intimider, car elle rougit, se cacha le visage, et se contata d’un mot murmuré à l’oreille de gérios, avant de s’enfuir.


Helped by Arak, everyone seemed to be in good mood. No one was drunk, but cheerfulness had eased actions and words. In her room, not far from it, Lamia groaned pushing the child out of herself at the instigation of the wise woman. Her sister was holding her hand. A little girl came running toward the guests, ready to announce the news they had waited for; their gazes should have intimidated her, because she blushed, hid her face, and made do with a word whispered in Gérios' ear, before fleeing.

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