Traduction anglais

..des vilains singes était remarquable, celui qui...

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Texte à traduire

Of the naughty monkies was noteworthy, the one who brought out his sexy tongue and started to lick (even monkeys can bung ; ) I bet sassou he will wank as soon as he comes out of the studio looool very pleasurable u r unique mate


Of the naughty monkies was noteworthy, the one who brought out his sexy tongue and started to lick (even monkeys can bung ; ) I bet sassou he will wank as soon as he comes out of the studio looool very pleasurable u r unique mate


..des vilains singes était remarquable, celui qui a sorti sa langue sexy et a commencé à lécher (même les singes ????? ;) je parie Sassou qu'il va se ????? dès qu'il va sortir du studio looool très agréable t'es unique toi

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